Consent for Summer STREAM Club, Saturday STREAM and/or Girls Love To Code Program Participation

By submitting the program registration form, we/I, the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) of the mentioned child, hereby give permission for said child to participate in the program selected, sponsored by Children Across America. We/I acknowledge that our/my child’s participation in this activity is voluntary and is within the discretion of Children Across America.

In consideration thereof, we/I hereby release Children Across America’s Directors, volunteers, and their employees from any and all claims which we/I or our/my child may have as a result of suffering personal injury or food allergy in any way arising from or related to participation in the above-described activity, resulting from any act or omission of Children Across America’s Directors, volunteers, and their employees.

We/I, on behalf of ourselves/myself and our/my above-named child, hereby expressly waive in advance any and all rights to sue which we/I and/or our/my child may have against Children Across America’s Directors, volunteers, and their employees to recover for any loss, damage, or expense of any type in any way arising from or related to said child’s participation in the above-described activity.

We/I expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless Children Across America’s Directors, volunteers, and their employees from any and all loss, damage, or expenses, including court costs and attorney’s fees, which they or any of them suffer as the result of our/my above-named child or anyone on the child’s behalf filing a civil action against Children Across America’s Directors, volunteers, and their employees, in any way arising from or related to said child’s participation in the above-described activity at any time either prior or subsequent to said child’s eighteenth birthday.

I understand that my photograph(s) is (are) under consideration for publication on the Children Across America world wide web page, a part of the internet, brochures, or other print marketing documents. I grant permission for the publication of mine or my children’s photograph(s) for use by Children Across America on the wide world web page, social media or other print marketing documents.

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